Pregnancy and caring for your infant is a very significant time in life. Based on my years of experience, and my reading and teaching, I have expertise in caring for women who are becoming mothers with an understanding of the unique psychology of this period. Issues related to taking on motherhood and a professional life, the changes in identity and role, cultural expectations, experiences of loss, and difficulties with one’s own mother, can all affect a mother coming into her own. Psychotherapy can be very helpful for navigating these issues.

Depression and anxiety can interfere with a good pregnancy experience and make it hard to prepare for a new baby. Postpartum depression can be especially overwhelming, robbing a new mother of her enjoyment in caring for her infant and her capacity to nurture. Getting help may be crucial at these times, and I understand how immediate the need can be for a real engagement and active intervention.

Things don’t always go as well as hoped for. Dealing with pregnancy loss can be devastating. I have found ways through therapy to help women who are going through these painful experiences, whether it be a miscarriage, termination, or late pregnancy loss. Infertility can also bring up painful feelings with its uncertainties and loss of agency, and can have impact in many areas of life, requiring a specific understanding.

If medications are needed, I have specialized knowledge in the treatment of depression and anxiety during pregnancy and the postpartum. I understand the benefits of medications and potential effects on the developing fetus and baby. If breastfeeding is an option, I can guide you in decision making regarding taking medication in the postpartum. I see women for medication consultations and can also provide ongoing psychopharmacologic treatment alone or with therapy, or in conjunction with a psychotherapist or obstetrician.